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In this entry I would like to introduce some basic usage of mig layout.

This is image I take in eclipse, we can use window builder plug-in for drag-draw UI.

Contructor of MigLayout:
new MigLayout("insets 50 50 0 50""[74.00]20[165.00][grow]""[][][]")
-    "insets 50 50 0 50"
-    Decribe margin.
insets top left bottom right
-    "[74.00]20[165.00][grow]"
-    Number of columns
[74.00]: size of column 1 is 74px.
+ [74.00]20[165.00]: gap between 1st colum and 2nd is 20px.
[grow]: 3rd column is grow
-    "[][][]"
-    Number of rows.
JLabel lblNewLabel = new JLabel("Label 1");
            panel.add(lblNewLabel, "cell 0 0,alignx leading");
-    "cell 0 0,alignx leading"
-    “Label 1” is put to column 0 and row 0. It’saligned from left to right
JLabel lblNewLabel_2 = new JLabel("Label 3");
            panel.add(lblNewLabel_2,"cell 0 2,alignx trailing");
-    "cell 0 2,alignx trailing"
-    “Label 1” is aligned from right to left.
textField = newJTextField();
            panel.add(textField"cell 1 0");
-    "cell 1 0"
-    textField is put to 1st column and row 0.
textField_1 = newJTextField();
            panel.add(textField_1"cell   1 1,growx");
-    "cell 1 1,growx"
-    textField_1 is put to 1st column and 1 row.
-    Growx: witdh of this text field is always equal with width of column.
textField_2 = newJTextField();
            panel.add(textField_2"cell   1 2,growx,span");
-    "cell 1 2,growx,span"
-    Span: this text field is put to columns, 1st column is 1 (cell 1 2) and others are rest of columns in layout.
-    “span colums rows”


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